So, Kirsten and I went down to Appleton to pick up a new drill press for the shop (goodie!) Theresa at Crossfit Appleton was gracious to let us in to her Saturday 7am class. We've been at this for a little while, but this was our first class ever. It was good to meet and work out with other enthusiastic athletes; we met Ann, Kathy and Sara (no picture for Sara, she was gone before I could take her picture; she may be in the Witness Protection Program. ;^))

That's Ann in the red shirt, the blur is Theresa (she's always in motion.) Here's Kathy.
One of the things I've learned from Crossfit Appleton, the meaning of 'your workout is our warmup.'
Warmup I:
jumprope 1 min
POSE drills -pony, hop
jumprope (alt legs) 1 min
15 air squats, squat stretch (backend)15 sec, squat hold (knees out) 15 sec
walking lunges, sampson stretch 15 sec
arm circles, chest stretch (against wall).
Warmup II: 2 X 15 of:
Squats - front/overhead
Back extension superman/standing
Abs abmat/KTE
Box jump for height
I got through the box jumps and the overhead squats from the second set and then took refuge in the bathroom. I was back just in time to read the workout, get ready and go.
As many rounds as possible in 20 minutes:
5 burpees
10 pullups
15 wallballs
CW: 4 rounds + 2 reps. Jumping pullups, 14# ball, 10' target.
KW: 7 rounds + 5 reps. 14# ball, 8' target. (ooh, those kipping pullups - yummy!)
I was worried about my back not being 100%, but that went great! The thing that got me was simply too much time off. The ladies all left me in the dust. Hopefully next time I'll be in better shape and give a better accounting of myself. I'm still not out of the woods with the back, but I am pleased that I could start moving again. After we shop our way home, maybe tomorrow we can do a little skiing!
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