Wednesday, December 7, 2011

OHS, Rowing

 Pasi and Meg together again. Dueling ergs, anyone?

Warmup 10’

Skill 5’
  • Bridge
Strength 10’
  • Shoulder Press [ wmv]
Stretching 5’

MWOD - 10’

  1. Samson stretch, high hip band out front, squeeze butt, same side arm overhead, lean back, floss end range.
  2. Come up into standing lunge, squeeze butt, into lunge.  Stay upright.


  1. CW: 6 rounds + 5 OHS + 455m. just 5 more strokes! A good workout. OHS weight 45#.

  2. You all are just AWESOME. I was just shy of 5 rounds with only 20m to go. I could've made 5 rounds if I didn't have a problem with my footstretchers in the beginning, while the clock was running.
    OHS: 25#, shoulders still an issue.
    Liked this WOD; was able to keep pace at around 2:12 and steadily decrease my times for rowing with each round. Wahoo!

  3. 5 Rounds @ 35# OHS. Felt good to be back in that cold gym :) especially so since Pasi is finally back too!

  4. Hooray, Pasi and Meg!! It's cold here in my Lansing garage too, no heaters!


How'dja do? Waddya think?