Tuesday, January 31, 2012

CFE Short Intervals

Still biking in Lansing.  Amazing.

Short Intervals
Swim (TUE): 10 x 75m on 2:00, hold all splits within 2-3 seconds
Bike (TUE): 9 x (1:00 TT, 2:00 off)
Run (TUE): 8 x 200m, hold all splits within 2-3 seconds, rest 2:00
C2 Row (TUE): 8 x 250m TT, rest 4:00
Post sport and times to comments.


  1. Workout: Bike 9 X 1:00 on, 2:00 off. 50 degrees, SSW winds. Location: Turner Rd.

    Interval Time Distance yd. Ave. mph Direction of travel
    1 1:02 543 17.9 South
    2 1:04 601 19.1 North
    3 1:05 512 16.0 South
    4 1:05 589 18.5 North
    5 1:04 523 16.7 South
    6 1:04 612 19.3 North
    7 1:03 537 17.3 South
    8 1:04 620 19.7 North
    9 1:04 577 18.2 South

    Fun to be biking in January! Again, the direction of travel made a significant difference, mostly due to wind, I think. This route is relatively flat. `

  2. CW: Did this Thursday. xc skiing, following the run Rx.
    1. 0:51
    2. 0:30
    3. 0:55
    4. 0:30
    5. 0:58
    6. 0:31
    7. 0:57
    8. 0:29

    The odd intervals were slightly uphill. 7 second spread.
    The evens were going back down. 2 second spread.
    I went a little too hard on the first uphill. I'm pretty happy with the consistency, though.


How'dja do? Waddya think?