Thursday, February 2, 2012

CFE Long Intervals

Refeuling afterwards.

Choose ONE of the following sports:
Swim (THU): 8 x 200m, rest 90 seconds between, hold all splits within 3-5 seconds
Bike (THU): 6 x 2M, spin/rest 2:00, hold all 2M efforts within 3-5 seconds
Run (THU): 4 x 1200m, rest 3:00, hold all splits within 3-5 seconds
C2 Row (THU): 4 x 1500m, rest 3:00, hold all splits within 3-5 seconds
Post sport and times to comments.


  1. CW: Did this last Tuesday, oops.
    MTU Trails, each loop the same, once around the Core Loop.
    Conditions pretty fast, damp snow turning icy.

    I pushed too hard on 2 and especially 4. 5:40 avg. might have been possible. This is more like me when I don't have a monitor to stare at!

  2. Took the road bike to Sleepy Hollow State Park on this beautiful sunny Saturday!

    Workout: Bike 6 X 2 miles on, 2:00 off. 41 degrees, slight North wind. Location: Sleepy Hollow State Park.

    Interval Time Distance mi. Ave. mph Direction
    1 7:12 2.0 16.7 North
    2 6:48 2.0 17.8 South
    3 7:21 2.0 16.3 North
    4 7:00 2.0 17.2 South
    5 7:23 2.0 16.4 North
    6 6:59 2.0 17.4 South

    Given the change of direction and comparing apples to apples, these weren't too bad. The last four intervals compared nicely, even holding to within the 3-5 seconds of each other (unexpected, with terrain changes etc.)! The first two, perhaps functioning as a warmup? This is giving me an idea of how much warmup I might need in a racing situation. Fun on such a beauty day!


How'dja do? Waddya think?