Saturday, March 30, 2013

HR Push-ups, Toes To Bar

Richard came in with a dodgy ankle, so we worked around it.


We went through the presses, establishing 2RM for each:
A variation on Games Open 13.4:
AMRAP in 7 minutes of:
  • 3 Hand Release Push-ups
  • 3 Toes To Bar
  • 6 Hand Release Push-ups
  • 6 Toes To Bar
  • 9 Hand Release Push-ups
  • 9 Toes To Bar
  • 12 Hand Release Push-ups
  • 12 Toes To Bar
  • 15 Hand Release Push-ups
  • 15 Toes To Bar... etc.

Friday, March 8, 2013

KB Snatches, Rowing

Paleo crockpot fun.  Meatballs in meat sauce.  I didn't miss the spaghetti, but I did miss the parmesan.


2RM Deadlift

3 rounds for time of:
10 alternating Kettlebell Snatches
150 meter Row

For grins:
4 rounds:
Tabata planks

Friday, March 1, 2013

Catching up: Isabel, Zeus

Both WODs were at Crossfit 906

2/25/13 Isabel
30 Snatches for time 135#

CW: 2:45. I did 45# which was too light.  To make up for it, I worked on 1RM snatch and PR'd at 75#!   Yay!

2/27/13 Zeus
3 rounds:
30 Wall Balls 20#
30 SDLHP 75#
30 Box Jumps 20"
30 Push Press 75#
Row 30 calories
30 Push-ups
10 Bodyweight Back Squats

CW: 18:42. Although I aspire to do Murph on Memorial Day, for training these hero WODs are too much for me.  In addition to scaling weights, I was able to turn this back into a workout by scaling reps.  I did 10 reps of everything except back squats which I did 5.  Weights were 65#, 20" and 95# squats.