Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Run, Muscle Ups, Deadlift

We've been doing as much mountain biking as the weather allows.  Here's us back in the gym.

Warmup (10’)
Skill (5’)
Strength (10’)
  • 3 x 5 Shoulder Press [ wmv]
3 rounds for time:
Time limit:  15 minutes
Stretching (5’)
Nice trick!  I wish I had this in high school (too much jumping on the ski hill.)


  1. CW:
    Pistols, no bueno. I can't even make it to standing from a candlestick with both feet. I got some results with a band, about 3/4 down.
    I've lost shoulder strength since overdoing it with HSPU. Press was 5, 4 / 5 with 75 / 65#.
    WOD 5:24 MU progression, DL 185#. Good short WOD, a kind of sprint.

  2. Shoulder press: 65lb. WOD: 7:05, with 165 lb DL and muscle-up progressions. Really careful with the running, emphasizing technique only. Payoff: No knee issues.


How'dja do? Waddya think?