Rick in mid-WOD
Skill (5’)
- L-Sit
Strength (10’)
- ME Back Squat [mpg]
3 rounds for reps, each station for 1 minute:
- Tire Flip [wmv][mov]
- Box Jump [ wmv]
- Double Unders [wmv][mov] (sub tuck jumps)
- Kettlebell Swing [wmv][mov]
- Rest
Stretching (5’)
Mobility Homework (10’)- Episode 249: Improving Hip Extension (And Internal Rotation) for Running
- Roller or peanut, on side, Straight leg, mash hip tissue. Rotate leg from external to internal.
- Samson hip flexor, banded forward, block internal rotation with KB.
Rick did Onramp 8
- DB Hang Power Cleans
- Abmat Sit-ups
Rick's time: 5:34