Friday, December 3, 2010


 Welcome to Pasi, already working push presses with the 25's!

Gymnastic WU/skills 2
  • Squat 3 x 5
WOD: “Jackie”
  • 1000 meter row
  • 45 pound Thruster, 50 reps
  • 30 pull-ups

Scaling (Puppies:)
15-20 pound Thruster, 20 reps
20 Pull-ups (Assisted or Beginner)
Time limit:  15 minutes
  1. band lateral distraction of hip, external rotation, press hip to side, grind through the hip capsule
  2. like Samson, bias extension (back leg), externally rotate forward leg, hunt.
  3. pigeon, hunt.
  4. couch stretch, 2 positions.
  5. Samson with hip bias band under the butt, bias corner, squeeze butt.
  6. glute stretch, knee below.
  7. ham stretch, optional knee below. Rotate through positions.
  8. Calves wall stretch, 2 positions.
  9. wide squat with feet against wall.
  10. ball under butt, high hamstring, TFL.


  1. CW: 11:39. 45# thrusters, 4 kipping pullups, jumping for the rest.

  2. 14:06, as prescribed!! Happy with the thruster weight. Made it under the time limit too. Hoo-wah!

  3. 13:29, 25# thrusters, all jumping pullups. Will go heavier on the thruster weight next time. And happy to have rowing in the WOD!


How'dja do? Waddya think?