Friday, April 15, 2011

KB Swing, Run, Sit-ups

That good post-WOD feeling!

Warmup (10’)
Skill (5’)
  • 10 wall squats
  • rest 1’
  • 10 wall squats
  • rest 1’
  • 10 wall squats
Strength (10’)
  • Squat 3 x 5
AMRAP in 20’
  • 20 Kettlebell Swing [wmv][mov]
  • 200m Run 
  • 20 Sit-up [wmv]
Stretching (5’)
Mobility Homework (10’)- Episode 220/365: Lower Leg Business
  1. roll ball under foot
  2. roll ball on inside of calves
  3. roll ball under inside ankle
  4. roll ball on outside of calves
  5. kneel down low, feet extended, ball on shin muscle
1 minute per side per mob.


  1. Okay so Pasi and I did this one on Saturday, but since it was a crazy snowstorm we substituted 250m of rowing for the 200m running:

    Pasi: 35#KB: 5 Rounds + 20 KB, 250m, 5 situps.

    Meg: 25#: 5 Rounds + 20 KB, 200m.

    Baxter helped us with MWOD!

  2. Very smart. Great job! Have fun with the 5k!


How'dja do? Waddya think?