Thursday, June 28, 2012

Wall-ball? Double Unders

Rick on overhead pressing.

Warmup: Gymnastic 1., 10 min.
Strength: ME Clean 2RM. 15 min.
21-15-9 of wallball (14 or 20 lb, 10 ft) and double -unders!
Stretch 5 min
Mobility: 10 min. Hams, quads, hips, back of neck and shoulders

Rick did Onramp 2. Nice work!

(This message from my iPhone.)

1 comment:

  1. 6:00. The wallballs nearly killed me. It was raining. Note to self: rain + wallball = faceplants! The double-unders were unbroken, though!


How'dja do? Waddya think?