Monday, October 11, 2010

KB Snatch & Pull-ups

Big Congratulations to Stephanie, who finished her Onramp by cutting 2  minutes off of her original WOD time!  Look at her go!

Remember, times this week are 5pm and 6pm, with everyone Friday at 5:30 at MTU trails (bring trail running shoes!)

Gymnastic WU/skills 1

  • Pose: 2 x Forward Lunge (10 each leg) + 100m rec 1 min between each
  • Deadlift 3 x 5
21-15 and 9 rep rounds of:
  • Left-arm Kettlebell snatch, 1 pood (32 pounds)
  • Right-arm Kettlebell snatch, 1 pood (32 pounds)
  • Pull-ups
Women - 24 pounds
Scaled 15 - 12 - 9
Time limit:  15 minutes
Mobility Homework - Strong Goats, Orlando Style:  Low Back, Hips, and Groin Good after strongman / heavy lifting days.
Test: Squat. How do your hips and low back feel?
  1. Drape body over something, feet on the ground; relax and drop hips; move hips around.  Alternately, hang from rings.
  2. High glute stretch, arm to the inside, back leg hangs free.
  3. Pigeon (ITB) pose, hand on foot, relax butt; Bias a) belly button to knee, b) belly button to foot.
Try before bedtime for better hips and low back in the a.m.


  1. 15-12-9, 25#, kips. That KB added up in short order. Repetitions of this do help technique. Hip extension definitely is the source of power here. Good WOD.

  2. CW: 10:39 35#, jumping pullups. The KB snatches were cool. I tried the first round alternating right and left. It seemed slow. I did the rest unbroken. When I got the swing/pull/push sequence juuuuust right the kettlebell came to rest soft as can be. Not all the time; my wrists are just a little sore!

  3. 15-12-9, 15#, jumping pullups-9:35. Little banged up on my arms today from the kettle bell hitting. First time doing still trying to figure it out. I tried a few snatches with the 26# weight, but had difficulty getting the motion. Next time I will own that kettle bell.


How'dja do? Waddya think?