Monday, December 19, 2011

Thrusters, Pull-ups, Double Unders

Kirsten 'enjoying' her new pull-up bar from Stud Bar.

Warmup 10’
Skill 5’
3 x 5 Pistols each leg I [wmv][mov],  II [wmv][mov], III [wmv][mov
use box and plates for scaling up or down.  post scaling to comments.
Strength 10’
  • Back Squat [mpg]
15 - 12 - 9
Time limit 15 minutes
Stretching 5’
Old swollen bits? Watch and learn!

Friday, December 16, 2011

Rowing, Hand Release Push-ups

Pasi working on power cleans.
Warmup 10’
Skill 5’
3 rounds for max time:
  • Ring Support/L-Sit
Strength 10’
  • 1000m Row [wmv][mov]
  • 20 Hand-Release Push-up
  • 500m Row 
  • 10 Hand-Release Push-up
  • 250m Row
  • 5 Hand-Release Push-up
Time limit 15 minutes
Stretching 5’
MWOD - 10’

Thursday, December 15, 2011


 A good PR, but there's still room on the bar!
Warmup 10’
Skill 5’
  • 3 Back Levers
  • 3 Front Levers


Stretching 5’
MWOD - 10’

Wednesday, December 14, 2011


The Lovely Kirsten White

Warmup 10’
Skill 5’
3 Back Levers
3 Front Levers
Deadlifts [wmv][mov] (setup [wmv][mov])
Stretching 5’
MWOD - 10’


Not at my best, but a good workout all the same.

Warmup 10’
WOD: “Annie”
  • Double Unders [wmv][mov]
  • Sit-ups
Stretching 5’
MWOD - 10’
-Band around ankle 2x, sit straight legged, flex quads.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Goat Day

Surf's up!
  • Arm Bar Stretch
  • Double Unders
  • Pullups
  • Dips
  • Hip Openers

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Deadlifts, Double Unders, Toes To Bar

Charles with the Appleton Crossfit gang.  Kirsten did today's workout.  The Appleton workout is below.

Warmup 10’
Skill 5’
  • Kick To Handstand
Strength 10’
3 rounds of
  • 5 Deadlifts  @ 75% [wmv][mov] (setup [wmv][mov])
  • 20 Double Unders [wmv][mov]
  • 10 Toes To Bar
Time limit 15 minutes
Stretching 5’
MWOD - 10’
Test/retest: knees out at bottom of squat.
1. Wrap above the knee with PT strength strip, 50% stretch.
2. Do 20 squats.
3. Unwrap.

Jump Rope 3 min.
30 Walking Lunges
Dot Drills (we are so going to do these!)
Plank series

Lift: OHS 3-3-3

WOD: 100 deadlifts 225/135#
5HSPU or 10 HR Push-ups if you let go of the bar.

Results from Appleton:

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

OHS, Rowing

 Pasi and Meg together again. Dueling ergs, anyone?

Warmup 10’

Skill 5’
  • Bridge
Strength 10’
  • Shoulder Press [ wmv]
Stretching 5’

MWOD - 10’

  1. Samson stretch, high hip band out front, squeeze butt, same side arm overhead, lean back, floss end range.
  2. Come up into standing lunge, squeeze butt, into lunge.  Stay upright.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Goat Day

Cactus Plant's last chance to reproduce before I drown it from overzealous watering.

  • Arm Bar Stretch
  • Max Hollow Rock
  • Max Ring L-Sit
  • Max Slam Ball in 1:00
  • Hip openers: couch stretch, squat

Monday, December 5, 2011

Gymnastic Volume

 NOT color coordinated.
Warmup 10’
Skill 5’
4 rounds:
  • 1 Candlestick
  • 1 Backward Roll
Strength 10’

WOD:Gymnastic Volume
Pick two gymnastic goats, Pull-ups, HSPU, or muscle-ups.
Repeat sub-maximal reps on the minute for 10 minutes each.
stay within 2 reps for all sets.
Record reps and total to comments.
Stretching 5’
MWOD - 10’
Bottom up setup for oly lifting:
  1. Start where you want to finish (at the bottom recieving position.)
  2. Organize shoulders (externally rotated.)
  3. Organize back.
  4. Torque posterior chain.
  5. Breath and GO!

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Double Unders, Walking Lunges, Hang Power Cleans

She's got the ruby slippers! Kirsten's new WOD shoes.

Warmup 10’
Skill 5’
Strength 10’
  • 10 Double Unders [wmv][mov]
  • 10 Walking Lunges [wmv][mov]
  • 10 Hang Power Cleans 50% [wmv][mov]
Stretching 5’
MWOD - 10’

Thursday, December 1, 2011


Kirsten skiing.  Lansing has more snow now than we do.  

Warmup 10’
200m run
CF Warmup 1-2 rounds
Skill 5’
Burgener WU
Pose Drills
  • fwd lunge 10 x 2
  • wall drill x 2
WOD: “Nancy”
5 rounds for time of:
  • 400 meter run
  • 95 pound Overhead squat, 15 reps
women 65#
Stretching 5’
MWOD - 10’