Saturday, December 3, 2011

Double Unders, Walking Lunges, Hang Power Cleans

She's got the ruby slippers! Kirsten's new WOD shoes.

Warmup 10’
Skill 5’
Strength 10’
  • 10 Double Unders [wmv][mov]
  • 10 Walking Lunges [wmv][mov]
  • 10 Hang Power Cleans 50% [wmv][mov]
Stretching 5’
MWOD - 10’


  1. CW: 7 rounds +7 double unders. No consectutive DUs, but I'm lots better at single/doubles; for one round, I got all 10 without stopping! That's a PR, yay! I thought I caught up to Kirsten on this one, but no...I'll let Kirsten tell the story. Ha!

    Hollow rock: 51 seconds legs and arms straight but straight up.
    Pullups: Rx 1, blue 4, green 8. Same numbers as last time, but felt much more solid!

  2. Yay Charles! I did this one yesterday. 7 rounds exactly, but as it turns out I did 10 lunges each leg for a total of 20 lunges per round. Used 45 lb. for the cleans. Double unders seemed to need a few rounds for a warmup, then I could knock them off. Then at the end, my technique suffered a bit and I started missing.
    Today, ow, my glutes!

  3. CW: ooh, yeah, 65# cleans. Nice shoes!


How'dja do? Waddya think?