Saturday, June 18, 2011

Double Unders, Rope Lowers, Snatches

After a good workout.

Warmup (10’)
Skill (5’)
  • 3 rounds max L-support on Parallettes
Strength (10’)
    • Shoulder Press [ wmv]
AMRAP in 20’
  • 10, 20, 30,... Double Unders [wmv][mov]
  • 1, 2, 3,.... Rope Lowers
  • 2,4,6,... Snatch 65% [wmv] [mov] [link]
Stretching (5’)
water, salts, glucosamine, 
  1. ball above knees
  2. couch stretch
  3. squeeze ball under knee, roll leg in and out.
  4. try with thick towel, kneel and oscillate
  5. grab shin, rotate to closed position (inward.)

1 comment:

  1. CW: 3 rounds + 5 Double Unders. Only 55# in the snatch. It was a light weight so I could work on the technique, but I felt it by the end.
    My double unders stink. I'm working on them again. The double unders are still a dissapointment, but the whole workout was satisfying.

    eggs, bacon, blueberries

    Banana chips, 4 handfuls

    Dinner: Seafood Fest!
    Fish & chips
    BBQ shrimp
    Corn on the cob
    Cole Slaw


How'dja do? Waddya think?