Saturday, June 11, 2011

Run, Bike Or Swim

 Girl and horse, reunited.

Warmup (10’)
Skill (5’)
Pose drills:
  • Balance and switch every 10 seconds.
  • 3 x 10 forward hops.
  • 3 x 10 forward lunges (pull one foot.)
  • 3 x 20 leg pulls with back to a wall.
Strength (10’)
3 rounds of 
  • Max reps of pushups
  • rest 2 minutes
Post reps/rounds to comments
Pick one of the following:
  • Swim: 2 – 5 x 200 w/ 90sec rest 
  • Bike: 2 – 6 x 2M w/ 2 min spin/rest between 
  • Run: 2 – 5 x 800m w/ 3 min rest 
Time limit:  20 minutes
Stretching (5’)
Watch the video!
Test: Happy Baby
  1. Foot on box, grab foot, load butt back, chest down below knee, move around.  Try moving laterally. use a band bias if you have it.
  2. on box, ball under top of hamstring, knee out peel tendons off the bone!

1 comment:

  1. CW: each 3220m interval:

    1st interval had a hill climb and to boot, i stopped for a grandmother that was beebing her horn (not at me as it turns out.)
    I missed the rest and did the 2nd interval uninterrupted. I can't remember why # 5 was long, but I think I stopped for something. I think #4 was up the hill again.

    Push-ups: 11, 8, 6.


How'dja do? Waddya think?