Thursday, April 26, 2012

Burpee Pullups

Kirsten on the floor, in the air.

Strength 15’
  • DE Deadlifts
10 x 2 on the minute at 55%
3 rounds of AMRAP in 2 minutes:
  • Burpee/Pullups
rest between rounds.

Clean & Jerk & Walk

From Tuesday:
gym cat.

Strength 15’
  • ME Deadlift
3 rounds
  • Clean & Jerk 105/75#
  • Overhead Carry down and back the driveway.
  • Rest.
Not for time

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Clean & Jerk, Burpees

While Charles takes the entire week off to be lazy, 
Kirsten continues her Muscle-Babe Quest.  Looking good!

From last Friday:

  • ME: Split Jerk or Push Jerk

Post loads and reps to comments. 

Three rounds, each for time, of:
  • 9 Clean & Jerks, 155/105
  • 12 Lateral Burpees

Rest 1:00 between rounds.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Row, Thrusters, Burpees

 Kirsten says, "It's your turn!"  Well?

DE: Push Press 12 sets of 2 reps @ 55% on 0:45
Post loads to comments. Rest 5-10 minutes then perform CFE Strength & Conditioning WOD.
As many rounds as possible in 15:00 of:
Row 1000m
12 Thrusters, 95/65
15 Burpees
Post rounds to comments.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Deadlift, Burpees

 Hips a tad high, but I like that midline!
Warmup 10’
  • Gym WU 1
Strength 15’
  • ME: Good Morning
Work up to a 3RM. Post loads and reps to comments.
Five rounds for time of:
  • 5 Deadlifts @ 70%
  • 10 Burpees
 There is a strict 10:00 time cap on this workout. Post time to comments.
Stretching 5’

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Beef Source - Now!

This information was sent to me today, in hopes that someone reading this blog might be interested.  I don't know if this beef is grass-fed or not; be sure to ask!

I just was on the phone with a friend who raises a few beef animals right in Pelkie.  He is trying to decide if he should ship them to a market in Minnesota or try to sell them locally.  I mentioned to him that I'd had interest in some beef but didn't have any to sell right now, and he asked me to pass along his phone number if you know anyone in your circle who is looking right now. I know you said you were good for now, but didn't know if you wanted to put this on your blog. His name is John Heck, and his number at home is 353-7553.  Cell number is 235-9831. John says 'thanks' in advance!   

Thanks for the heads up, Teresa!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

KB Swings, Wall Ball

Kirsten walking to work.

Warmup 10’
  • Burgener WU
Skill 5’
  • Kick to Handstand
Strength 15’
(A) Work up to a Snatch (full squat) heavy single
(Heaviest possible without missing or huge degradation in technique; this is NOT a max effort attempt)
(B) DE: Power Snatch 12 sets of 2 reps @ 55% of Snatch 1RM on 1:00
Perform (A) then move on to (B). Post loads for both (A) and (B) to comments.
Rest 5-10 minutes then perform CFE Strength & Conditioning WOD.
As many rounds as possible in 8:00 of:
  • 12 Unbroken KB Swings, 2 pood/1.5 pood (Regionals Standard; KB perfectly vertical)
  • 9 Wall Ball Shots, 20/14 pounds (10'/9' target)
Post rounds and fraction of rounds to comments.
Stretching 5’
MWOD - 10’ Pick your favorite.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Travel WOD: Burpees

Houghton To Lansing

15 Burpees at each rest stop for time

Thank Heaven for rest stops that were closed until Spring!

Push-ups, KB swings

Karie and Ceci after their Onramp session.

Warmup 10’
  • Bridge
Strength 15’
  • ME: Bench Press
Post loads and reps to comments. 
As many rounds as possible in 8:00 of:
  • 15 Hand-release Push ups
  • 12 Russian KB Swings, 2/1.5 pood
Post time to comments.
Stretching 5’
MWOD - 10’ 
  • KB banded arm socket
  • KB arm bar stretch
  • Squat 2’