Kirsten leads you through the CFE Warmup.
Note: Choose your favorite sport for the main workout; just get out there and go! If you need a structured WOD, I've included one for you under 'Sport.'
- 15 Random Hand Push-Ups
- 10 - 20 Alternating Plank Lunge
- 10 - 20 Alternating Open Chest Plank Lunge
- 10 - 20 Alternating Plank Lunge to Perfect Squat
- 10m fwd & back Walking Downward Dog
- 10 each way Foot Rolls
- 10 -20 Bent Leg Toe Touch
- 10 each side Foot Rocks
- 10 each side Foot Grab and Touch
3 minutes of Hollow Rocks
Every time you break to rest, immediately perform 10 Push Ups (5 if you are scaling.)
Post results to comments.
Chose ONE of The Following Sports:
All sports do: 20:10 x 8 rounds, 20 seconds on 10 seconds off, all out efforts!
Swim: Use pool or open water
Bike: Use a Monarch ERG, stationary bike with wattage tool or something similar that can hold a load of 200+ watts
Run: Use a treadmill, set at 12% grade at 0-30 sec slower pace per mile than best 5k pace. Do not reduce the speed!
C2:Row 20:10×8
Post Distances/Speeds/Watts To Comments:
Stretching and
Mobility WOD
Test: squat bottom
- couch stretch
- reverse ballerina
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