Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Clean & Jerk, Pull-ups, KB Swings

What Kirsten looks like all sweaty.

Warmup 10’
  • Backward Roll / Forward Roll
Strength 15’
  • ME: Sumo Deadlift
Post loads and reps to comments. 5-10 minutes rest then CFE S&C WOD.
Three rounds for time of:
  • 7 Clean & Jerks, 135/95 pounds
  • 12 Chest-to-Bar Pull ups
  • 15 KB Swings, 1.5/1 pood
Post time to comments.
Stretching 5’
MWOD - 10’ 
  • Couch Stretch
  • Sink stretch
  • Squat 1:30


  1. CW: Sumo deadlift 225# max. Any more and I would have slowed down.

    WOD 14:34 with 95# C&J, 35# KB and chin level pull-ups.
    The pullups really slowed me down. I had lots of time waiting for my arms to be ready to do more. Consequently I worked non-stop through KBs and quickly through the C&J. Good to be working on pull-ups.

  2. Sumo DL Highpull: 65#. Limited by shoulders in the highpull part. Didn't realize this was only DL, could have done much more.
    WOD: 13:14. 65# CJ, blue band.C2B, 35# KB. Arms are tired!


How'dja do? Waddya think?