Monday, March 5, 2012

Yay, Burpees!

How I spent my weekend.  CrossFit Worthy is up and running soon in Mount Pleasant MI!

Warmup 10’
Burgener WU
Skill/Strength 15’
  • Snatch
AMRAP in 7 minutes
  • Burpees, 6” target
Stretching 5’
MWOD - 10’ 
  • Hamstring PNF
  • Ankles
Meanwhile, here in Houghton, Tom sets the gym record:

1 comment:

  1. Congrats, Thomas.
    In Lansing, I did the CFE WOD:
    CF Warmup
    Strength: DE 8 X good mornings at 65% max, 3 reps on the 45 second for 8 rounds. I used 45#.
    Then for time:
    9-7-5 Muscle ups and snatches. I used band-assist Muscle-ups and 45# snatches. I tried for power snatches but some of them were muscle snatches. 7:31. A demanding little workout.


How'dja do? Waddya think?