Friday, October 30, 2009

Tabata rowing workout

What I remember is early splits of 1:38, later 1:40, then finally 1:46. I didn't notice stoke rates.
Kirsten's display worked fine, though. Here's her stats:
Meters Split Stroke Rate
87 1:54.9 42,
85 1:57.6 42,
80 2:05.0 36,
80 2:05.0 39,
79 2.06.0 39,
80 2:05.0 39,
79 2:06.5 39,
78 2:08.2 36,
(76 2:11.5 39) an extra credit interval! (I was gasping on the floor. : b)
Rest meters 259

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Sunday WOD

The workout is this Sunday at 1pm (mind the time change; Fall back 1 hour)
My house 404 Frue Ave, Houghton:

This week we work on raw strength with the Crossfit Total:
best of 3 reps:
Bench press
Shoulder press

The most technical lift is the deadlift.  A little study ahead of time would be a good idea.
Deadlift Setup, Mark Rippetoe ...[wmv][mov]
For more deadllift info, or if the above video links don't work, go to and on the left nav bar, click on 'exercises & demos.' There are several videos under 'powerlifting.'

Don't worry too much about not being strong enough.  If you can pick up something off the ground, if you can put your arms over your head, you can learn these.  We've got lightweight PVC pipe and olympic bars starting at 35#.  Come try it!



Sunday, October 25, 2009

2009-10-25 Dryland Nordic Run with poles x 730 Meters Time: 7:09 Comments: Sunday WOD - Dryland nordic skiing. We started with dryland drills, then 3 times up the test hill. We were going to go once around the core loop (1.3km) but got cut off by construction barriers. The detour shortened our course considerably, and a good thing, too. My heels started speaking up near the end. We had a great time, though, out in the woods! KW time: 7:26.



Saturday, October 24, 2009

Row , weights & pullup WOD

2009-10-24 As many rounds as possible in 10:00 of: Row x 250 Meters Sumo Deadlift High Pull x 15 Reps @ 45 Pounds Pull-up (assisted) x 10 Reps Score: 2 rounds + 15 reps Comments: I got in 3 rows, each around 1:50/500m 28spm. 15 high-pulls in the thid set and ran out of time before the pullups. We used a gravitron, 1st set 80# assist, 2nd set 90# assist. Pullups sets spit 6-4 and 5-3-2. Kirsten got 3 rounds. row around 2:10/500m, 28spm. 25# db high-pulls no squat. Gravitron 40# assist.



Friday, October 23, 2009

Sunday WOD

This Sunday at 1:00pm meet at the Tech Trails big building (waxing
center?) West end.
We'll be working on dryland training. Useful wether or not you plan
on XC skiing this winter.

Besides dressing to workout in the weather, bring:
- Trail running shoes
- Stopwatch
- Ski poles if you have them, classical length or slightly shorter.

If the weather is not cooperating, we can do a plan B workout at my
house, 404 Frue Ave. I'll post a sign on the community waxing center
door. (West end of the big building.)
If you need my cell phone number, it is (906) 483-0204.

See you Sunday at 1pm!



WOD 7 x max thrusters

Stand with a bar, do a front squat, come up and do a press overhead - that's a thruster.
The (0) means I missed the attempt at 125#.

2009-10-23 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 Thruster Score: 95-105-115-125(0)-115-115-120 Comments: Previous shoulder press 95#; front squat 75#. My form in the squat was much better this time. KW: shoulder presses: 65-60-60-60-60-60-missed 65



Wednesday, October 21, 2009

WOD Muscle-up progression

The original WOD is to do 30 muscle-ups for time.  Here's how we scaled it.

10 muscle-ups Muscle-up (scaled) x 10 Reps CW Time: 3:12 Comments: Ring 42" from bar (part way up the dip) KW 5:03 Ring 32" from bar (very bottom of dip) We used Jeff Tucker's muscle-up progression; kneel under the rings, toes pointed. As you start the muscle-up, push down as hard as you can with your toes.



Sunday, October 18, 2009

Busted at the Sunday WOD

I got busted today at the Sunday WOD.  In case you don't know, each Sunday the workout of the day is open to anyone who wants to come and work out.  Today I thought to myself, no one's going to come, I'm kind of tired, lets just take the day off.

Surprise!  At 11:00, Kari Lyle rings the doorbell all dressed and ready for a workout.  Busted.

We had a good time, working on starting movements (the squat) and shoulder movements.  I even tried the turkish getup!  Here's the data:
2009-10-18 15-12-9-6-3-0--3 rep rounds of: Clean (hang power) 35 Pounds Sit-up (floor) Back Extension Comments: Sunday WOD with special guest Kari Lyle! 9-6-3 squat/situp/good mornings, time: 5:31. Well done! KW Kettlebell hang high pull/situp/supermans, time 7:07. CW Hang power cleans/situps/supermans, time 8:04. New first for CW, turkish getups (one each side) 3/4 pood kettlebell (26#)

Next week, you come too!



Saturday, October 17, 2009

Sunday WOD

11am tomorrow at my house,

404 Frue Ave

Weightlifting and core exercises will make for strength and stability.

See you tomorrow!



Saturday WOD

2009-10-17 Run x 200 Meters Pistol (scaled) x 9 Reps Pistol (scaled) x 9 Reps Sit-up (floor) x 15 Reps Pistol (scaled) x 6 Reps Pistol (scaled) x 6 Reps Sit-up (floor) x 12 Reps Pistol (scaled) x 3 Reps Pistol (scaled) x 3 Reps Sit-up (floor) x 9 Reps Run x 200 Meters Time: 9:35 Comments: Pistols on 18" box. I'm just starting to get the hang of POSE running - barely. Double under progress: 4 singles, 1 double, 1 single, all without stopping.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Chipper WOD


Time: 22:35

Comments: That took a while! I did have to take breaks here and there.

WOD last Monday


15-12-9 rep rounds of:

Time: 4:35

Comments: 50# dumbells; Knees on a bench.  I did this in the gym at the Doubletree Hotel in Bay City, Michigan.  I was attending the Michigan Music Teachers Association convention.



Saturday, October 10, 2009

CF WOD HSPU & pullups


3 rounds of:
Handstand Push-up (scaled) x 10 Reps
Ring Row x 10 Reps

Time: 6:35
Comments: Comments: The tale of my success and failure. Ring rows set up to be able to do 8 reps. HSPU with knees on a 22" box. The first set goes o.k. of course. In trouble and starting to do groups of reps by the second. A little extra oomph and chopping it up into smaller groups was the third. Skill work on double unders starting to show results, but I can't maintain the timing of singles yet. Max reps before hitting the rope with my feet: 35. Ring tuck support, 39 seconds total. Trying for 10s on, 30s off. First 2 rounds o.k. After that only 5s, then at the end only 4s. I was going for 1 minute total, but stopped after 39 seconds. Melio di niente, no? (better than nothing.) Ciao, Charles

Friday, October 9, 2009

Do-it-yourself Sunday WOD

Hi! I'm out of town this Sunday; if you'd like to do a Sunday WOD, I guarantee this will kick your butt. It's simple to do, too.

You'll need running shoes and a stopwatch.

warmup your running legs, trunk (core) and pushup arms and shoulders.

For time:
6 rounds:
run 400 meters
25 burpees

That's challenging for the fittest people on the planet.
For mere mortals, here are scalings. Choose so that you can workout with intensity and still do a workout the next day. The scalings and categories are from Crossfit BrandX. I did the buttercups; it was tough.

Big Dawgs:
As rx’d

The Porch:
6 rounds for time of:
Run 400 meters
15 Burpees

Set up under a bar that is one foot above your reach for the burpees. Jump and touch the bar for each burpee rep.

The Pack:
4 rounds for time of:
Run 400 meters
15 Burpees

4 rounds for time of:
Run 200 meters
12 Burpees

3 rounds for time of:
Run 200 meters
10 Burpees

What's a burpee? take a look:

If you like, do the workout where I did it. Downtown Houghton, start at the back end of the public library on the grass. Three light posts away is 200m; 400m is just shy of the gazebo thing. Run to one end, do the burpees, run back and do more burbees, rinse and repeat. ; )

You can do it!



CF WOD - 5 x max reps


max reps: bp, pu, sq

Score: 30-10-21-27-12-23-22-14-17-13-11-17-0-0-0

Comments: Scaled to .25 x bodyweight. Pullups with the green band. 5 rounds scheduled; felt like I had better stop after the 4th round. That was a womper! KW is on the road today.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

CF WOD "Angie"

2009-10-6 angie
Pull-up (assisted) x 20 Reps
Push-up (honest) x 20 Reps
Sit-up (floor) x 20 Reps
Air Squat (honest) x 50 Reps
CW Time: 7:28
Comments: Scaled. I did one kipping, but only got eyes to the bar. BrandX scaling
says 25 assisted, but I forgot. I tried a couple more kips after, no better.
KW time: 6:24 - kipping pullups! Manly pushups! She's an animal! : )



Sunday, October 4, 2009

The Sunday WOD



3 rounds of:

Time: 8:26

Comments: Sunday WOD. Time to start doing kipping pullups unassisted! : ) 

Others' scalings and times: Kirsten: run 400m, KB 15 x .75p, 9 kpullups; Time: 11:30 

David: run 400m, KB 12 x .75p, 6 strict pullups; Time: 11:59 

I'll be gone next Sunday, but I'll post a WOD you can do in the park with a stopwatch and running shoes on your own.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

CF WOD Saturday

As many rounds as possible in 12:00 of:
Thruster x 5 Reps @ 45 Pounds
Clean (hang power) x 7 Reps @ 45 Pounds
Sumo Deadlift High Pull x 10 Reps @ 45 Pounds
Score: 6 rounds + 9 reps

Comments: Moderate pace, hanging back just a little for form's sake; still pretty tough.
KIrsten's score: 5 rounds + 10 reps, 35#



Friday, October 2, 2009


I almost forgot to tell you, I got my first strict pullup today! from
a dead hang to chin over the bar. I told Kirsten, who was inside
starting on dinner. She said, "I didn't see it," so we went out
together and I did another one! Woo-Hoo! I've been trying to get
that since July. I watched a video of trainer Adrian Bozman saying
that before a person works on kipping pullups, they should have at
least one strict pullup. So kippers, here I come!





CW time: 7:33
KW time 6:36

Comments: Worked on squat clean form; room for improvement. Kirsten subbed 26# kettlebell swings (overhead.) 

Good luck To Deb & Dennis at the Tail of the Fox this weekend.

Also to MTU Crew at the Head of the Miss.



Thursday, October 1, 2009

Sunday WOD & weekend racing

Helen this Sunday at our house, 11am. Bring your running shoes.

Coaches Deb & Dennis Kamrad travel to DePere, Wisconsin in their
pursuit of single scull glory this weekend at the Tail of the Fox
I'll get you all the skinny after.



Indoor Time Trails

Since today marks the beginning of a new season for me, I thought I would begin with a baseline 2K test.  Kirsten wants to do hers next week, so she did a 15 minute time trail.

Here are the stats:
TT 2K  Time - 7:45.6  28spm@1:56.4/500m
500m splits (spm@time/500m:)
I'm pleased with this as a starting point; last year's best was 7:43.something. Must be the outdoor rowing and the Crossfit!   :)

Kirsten wants to do her 2K next week, so...
TT 15 min
3307m  29spm@2:16.0/500
3 min splits (spm@time/500:)

I've set goals for the Winter and have been corresponding with CFE people about putting together an effective workout schedule. I'll post more about that soon, once I get it settled.

